Fight Diabetes Program

Pico Care Pharmacy has highly trained diabetes educators that will sit one-on-one or in group to help you understand diabetes. Educational Program goes over various aspect of disease management such as healthy eating, physical activities, monitoring, taking medication, management of low and high blood sugar levels, creating support network, and reducing other risks.
We know that diabetes entails multiple medications and injections by multiple doctors. We help you understand the goals set by doctors, how to achieve them and many times sync the therapy goals set by multiple physicians and specialists. Medication Therapy Management has proven to be a highly effect support system in controlling diabetes.

It is critical for patients with Advanced Stage diabetes to self monitor their blood sugar levels. We assist you with providing testing supplies, training on how to use them, use tools like phone app to record your sugar levels and help you prepare your sugar log to empower physicians with a full understanding of how your diabetes is progressing.We offer in house A1C and Regular Blood Sugar testing services for patients.
Diabetes medications are expensive and many times not covered by insurance or pass on high copay to patients. We assist patients with navigating to cheaper preferred medications and/or copay assistance to help reduce the cost of therapy.

Pico Care Pharmacy carries full range of products for diabetic patients including sharps containers, glucose tablets, diabetic healing creams, diabetic pain creams, diabetic socks, diabetic cough drops, diabetic multivitamins, diabetic testing supplies.